On Thursday, 23rd January 2013, in a ceremony where both the Education and the Health Ministers were present, the NBC handed over a number of specially-designed pouches to the Parentscraft Section of Mater Dei Hospital, containing two books of stories for newborn children and a manual for parents.These publications were to be distributed to all those mothers who would be giving birth or those who had just given birth.


One of the books is a fully-illustrated anthology of stories written by different authors and edited by Victor Fenech whilst the other book is an anthology of edited excerpts of poems by Dun Karm with illustrations by Trevor Zahra. The manual is an educational guide for parents designed to help them foster in their children love for reading and books.This manual was sponsored by GlobalCapital Plc.


Moreover, In conjunction with the Parentscraft Section, the National Book Council is conducting a series of talks and presentations to midwives and pregnant mothers on the importance of reading to unborn and newborn children.



For more information click on the presentation below:


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