Today, on 28th August 2017, the National Book Council is releasing the National Book Prize Shortlist for books published in 2016. The shortlist is drawn up by an independent adjudication board of 9 jurors. The selection process started on 25th April from 203 entries, out of which 35 have been shortlisted. This year’s shortlist for the novels category carries a record number of books written by women with 3 out of the 6 contenders being women. Excluding children’s books, more non-fiction books have been shortlisted than fiction books marking an increasing trend of non-fiction authors.

The adjudication board will be selecting the winners of the Book Prize for each separate category in both adult literature (National Book Prize) and children’s literature (Terramaxka Prize). The winners of the Terramaxka Prize will be announced on Tuesday 7 November at the Mediterranean Conference Centre on the first day of the Malta Book Festival 2017. The winners of the Book Prize will be announced on December 7th during a ceremony which will be held at Auberge de Castille under the patronage of the Prime Minister.




Novels in Maltese and English

The Confectioner’s Daughter by Lou Drofenik (Horizons)

Shadows in Penumbra by Lillian Sciberras (Horizons)

Fid-dlam tal-lejl ħarisna by Immanuel Mifsud (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Nex by Mark Camilleri (Merlin Publishers)

The Grasshopper by Aleks Farrugia (Merlin Publishers)

Lucy Min? by Lara Calleja (Merlin Publishers)


Short-Stories in Maltese and English

Western: bejn rakkonti, bejn divertimenti by Alfred Sant (SKS Publishers)

Awguri, Giovanni Bonello! by Chris Gruppetta (Editor) (Merlin Publishers)

Stejjer veri li qatt ma ġraw by Charles Casha (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Mhux nies by Jean Paul Borg (Klabb Kotba Maltin)



Poetry in Maltese and English

Who looks at the sun anymore by Kenneth Wain (Horizons)

“Ħuta” by Immanuel Mifsud (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Nartiċi by Norbert Bugeja (Klabb Kotba Maltin)



None of the books were short listed




Marcel Proust: ‘Għat-tfittxija taż-żmien mitluf: Mix-xaqliba ta’ Dar Swann by Paul Zahra

Il-maħbub ta’ Lady Chatterley by Alfred Palma (Horizons)



Biographical and Historiographic Research

The great Maltese Composers: Historical context, lives and works by Joseph Vella Bondin (APS Bank Ltd.)

L-Iżvilupp tal-Edukazzjoni by Joseph A. Xerri (SKS Publishers)

The Pre-Siege Maps of Malta: Second Century AD – 1674 by Albert Ganado and Joseph Schiro’ (BDL)

The Fleet of the Knights of Malta: Its organisation during the eighteenth century by Joseph F. Grima (BDL)

Waking the dead: nineteenth century obituaries of amirror of Maltese Society (1815-c.1910)by Michael Refalo (BDL)

Kissing the Gallows by William Zammit (BDL)

Remembering  Rediffusion in Malta by Toni Sant (Midsea Books Ltd.)

Nation, Pride and Dignity by Joseph M. Pirotta (Midsea Books Ltd.)

Min qatel il-Patri? By Mark Montebello and Marlene Mifsud Chircop (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Photography in Malta: the history & the Protagonists by Kevin Casha (APS Bank Ltd.)

Filial Churches in Malta: Qormi: a case study by Hilary Spiteri (Horizons)

Treasures of Faith by Edgar Vella (Midsea Books Ltd.)



General Research

Maltese plants in the Bible by Peter Calamatta

Vanishing Malta: Raising Consciousness on safeguarding Malta’s Legacy by Kevin Casha (APS Bank Ltd.)

The road less travelled of a Scientist and Priest: Pierre Teilhard De Chardin by Mary Anne Sultana

Rescur nirkbu l-mewġ tal-ħajja (Vol.1 – 5)  by Carmel Cefai, Paul Bartolo and Katya Galea (Ċentru Reżiljena u Saħħa Soċjo Emozzjonali UOM)

Anna tal-Esseni by Emanuel J. Casingena (Horizons)

Contemporary Architecture in Malta  by Conrad Thake (Kite Group)

A commentary on the Constitution of Malta by Tonio Borg (Kite Group)

The Maltese Village Festa: a tradiitonal yearly ritual by Patrick J. Fenech (BDL)





Original Works: Books for Children (Ages 0-7)

Wherever could they be? Fejn setgħu qegħdin  by Naomi Gatt (Horizons)

Il-qtates ta’ max-xatt  by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)

Fil-kamra ta’ Jonas by Emanuel (Noel) Tanti (Merlin Publishers)




Original Works: Books for Children (Ages 8-12)

Żiffa mqarba f’Ħal Buffura by Rita Saliba (BDL)

Il-każ tas-serqiet strambi by John A. Bonello (Merlin Publishers)

Stejjer ma jitwemmnux mill-Klassi ta’ Miss Ambrożja Pulis Kiftaranipinġini by Audrey Friggieri (Merlin Publishers)

Arloġġ u tila by Roberta Bajada (Merlin Publishers)


Original Works: Books for Adolescents (Ages 13-16)

Fittixni by Antoinette Borg  (Merlin Publishers)


Translation: Books for Children (Ages 0-7)

Inħobbok by Leanne Ellul (Merlin Publishers)

Lupu Lupettu jżur il-Foresta tal-Ħrejjef by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)

Lupu Lupettu jinvestiga l-mużew by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)


Translation: Books for Children (Ages 8-12)

Teresa by Leanne Ellul and Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)

L-Opri tal-Ħniena imfissra liż-Żgħażagħ by Terence Portelli (ĊAK-Reliġjon u Ħajja)


Translation: Books for Adolescents (Ages 13-16

None of the books were short listed


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