The National Book Council is proud to announce that the Prize giving Ceremony for the National Book Prize 2015 (for books published throughout 2014) will take place on Friday 11th December at 7:30pm, Ambassadors Hall, Auberge de Castille. The Hon. Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat will be present for the ceremony together with all National Book Prize participants and other special guests.

Prizes for the following categories will be awarded on the day:

Short Story
General Research
Historiographic Research

The adjudication process is still under way, therefore the NBC would like to take this opportunity to wish the best of luck to all the participants.

Following is the 2015 Shortlist

Literary Work: The Novel Category

L-Iskjav ta’ Isabel by Audrey Friggieri (Horizons)

Jutta Heim by Immanuel Mifsud (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Fi Nżul ix-Xemx Sabiħ by Pupull Debattista Borg (Dom Communications Ltd.)

Bajjuni Nġurmati by John Charles Betts (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Two by Teodor Reljić (Merlin Publishers)

Iż-Żeffiena tal-Kerubini by Carlo O. D’Emanuele (Horizons)


Literary Work: Short Stories Category

Feruti by Carmel Scicluna (Horizons)

Kulħadd ħalla isem warajh by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)

INSANIAM by Edgar Formosa (Horizons)

Satin by Rita Saliba (Horizons)


Literary Work: Poetry Category

Epistoli mid-deżert – Poeżiji u Poesaġġi by Mario Azzopardi (Horizons)

Fi Triqti Lejha by Walid Nabhan (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

taħt il-kpiepel t’għajnejja by Maria Grech Ganado (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Klessidra: Versi taż-Żmien Maħrub by Lilian Sciberras (Horizons)

Mirja – Ħamsin Sena ta’ Poeżija 1963-2013 by Philip Sciberras (Sciberras Associates Publishing)


Literary Work: Drama Category

Jum il-Ħaqq by Doris Vella Camilleri (Self Published)


General Research Category

Bormla: A Struggling Community by Josann Cutajar (Faraxa Publishing)

Translation Studies from Malta ed. by Charles Briffa (Malta University Publishing)

Musical Instruments of the Maltese Islands: History, Folkways and Traditions by Anna Borg Cardona (Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti)

Shostakovich, Britten, Stravinsky and the Painters in Between: 1936 by Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci (Horizons)

Does it matter who speaks? Postmodern Papers on Politics, Ethics and Education by Kenneth Wain (Malta University Press)

The Maltese Nineteenth-Century Notary and his Archives by Michael Refalo (Book Distributors Limited)


Historiographic Research Category

The Social and Religious History of a Maltese Parish: St. Mary’s Qrendi in the Eighteenth Century by Frans Ciappara (Malta University Press)

Journal of Maltese Studies 28: Essays on the Cantilena ed. by Dr. Bernard Micallef (Midsea Books Limited)

M.A. Vassalli 1764-1829 – An Enlightened Maltese Reformer by Frans Ciappara (Midsea Books Limited)

France in the Maltese Collective Memory – Perceptions, Perspectives, Identities after Bonaparte in British Malta by Charles Xuereb (Malta University Press)

Mattia Preti – Saints and Heroes for the Knights of Malta by Cynthia de Giorgio (Midsea Books Limited)

Qrendi – its people and their heritage by George Cassar (Kunsill Lokali Qrendi)

Il-Prefazju Storiku ta’ L-Mylsen Feniċju-Puniku jew Il-Grammatika tal-Malti ta’ Mikiel Anton Vassalli by Prof. Horatio Ceasar Roger Vella (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

L-Avukat Giuseppe Elia Pace 1742-1820: Ħabib ta’ M.A. Vassalli f’Ruma by Karmenu Bonavia (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

The Salter Album – Encounters in Malta’s Prisoner of War Camps, 1914-1920 by Charles Farrugia (National Archives of Malta)


Translation Category

Nimirħu maż-Żmien by Marlene Saliba (Faraxa Publishing)

Neżlin bħax-Xita by Toni Aquilina (Fondation de Malte)

Is-Sur Ibrahim u l-Fjuri fil-Koran by Toni Aquilina (Faraxa Publishing)

Salammbȏ by Paul Zahra (Self Published)

10846241_10152862072862456_5797971913583193124_n MBF 2015 - Shortlisted Titles Advert - 37x5c.

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