Moderator: Norbert Bugeja – with Eran Katz, Chris Gruppetta, Katryna Storace, Walid Nabhan and Kristina Quintano
Books are windows to the world. At a time when our movements across the globe have become restricted, literature in translation provides a vital means of connecting readers. This event seeks to explore how translated works travel across cultures and languages, reaching out to wider audiences, and in the process building bridges across borders.
‘Beyond Borders: Translation’s power to take us elsewhere’ will bring together Eran Katz, the best-selling Israeli author of Secrets of a Super Memory and Jerome Becomes a Genius; Chris Gruppetta, a local publisher and editor who publishes each year a number of translated books for children and adolescents; Katryna Storace, London-based writer and editor and co-founder of Praspar Press, a recently established micro publisher of contemporary Maltese literature in English & English translation; Walid Nabhan, whose books have been translated into more than one language and a translator himself of Maltese literature into Arabic, and Kristina Quintano, a Norwegian translator and publisher who has published Maltese authors into Norwegian. Discussion will be moderated by Norbert Bugeja, poet and lecturer at the University of Malta.