Decorated with the Midalja tal-Qadi tar-Repubblika for his literary career, many time winner of the National Book Prize, awarded  Ġieħ iż-Żejtun, the Midalja tad-Deheb Soċjetà tal-Arti and the Midalja tal-Akkademja Malti, Trevor Żahra is a key protagonist of local literature for children and adults. Most likely, no other Maltese author has ventured as widely in different literary genres and won over the acclaim of young and old. In this volume, critics and friends evaluate the personality and the literary energy of Trevor Żahra.

Horizons is one of the leading book publishers on the island, winning various Premju tal-Ktieb literary prizes in the different book categories. It has published well-known and established authors such as Mario Azzopardi, Gorg Borg, Charles Briffa, Lina Brockdorff, Lou Drofenik, Victor Fenech, Charles Flores, Audrey Friggieri, Gioele Galea, Albert Marshall, Alfred Massa, Gorg Peresso, John Portelli, Rita Saliba, Salv Sammut, Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci as well as introducing upcoming authors such as Richard Attard, Helen Borg, Michael Cini, Lorraine Galea, Sergio Grech and Stephen Lughermo.