An event aimed at children between six and eleven years old, where an elongated snail named Sperillu, a journalist and editor of the newspaper Ħamrija, will be interviewed by children about environment protection and about the principal characters in the book Sperillu u l-Gazzetta Ħamrija by Natasha Turner, scientific information by Arnold, Romario and Jeffrey Sciberras and illustrations by Cynthia Saliba.
Faraxa Publishing produces a wide range of professionally relevant and high-quality publications in a multitude of domains. The Faraxa team, led by Joanne Micallef, is inspired by the creativity of their global network of selected authors, their passion for books and their drive to achieve excellence in all areas of the business.
Faraxa Publishing offers a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Emphasizing quality rather than quantity, nonfiction works include academic publications, translated works by world-renowned authors, reference books, textbooks and workbooks. Fiction works include short stories, novels, picture storybooks for children, young adult literature and poetry.
This book is presented in collaboration with the National Literacy Agency.