Moderator: Prof. James Corby //
Book your place at a virtual Q&A with Sir Salman Rushdie by sending in the question you’d like to ask. In spite of travel restrictions Sir Salman Rushdie will be directly engaging with students and readers in the form of a digital Q&A. To better preserve the spirit of a direct exchange, the number of spaces is being limited to 40 audience members. Participants interested in booking a place at the Q&A are invited to submit the one question they would like to ask the Booker Prize winning writer – the more fascinating the question, the better the chances of securing a place! Everyone will still be able to follow a live-stream of the discussion.
Unless you are a University of Malta student, submit your questions by email to by 31 October 2020 with the subject line ‘MBF2020 Q&A’ and include your name and surname.
We want to make sure that students can make the best of the opportunity to meet the noted public intellectual and one of the most thought-provoking proponents for free speech today. This is why we’re collaborating with the Department of English at the University of Malta, and the Department of English Students Association (DESA) to make twenty places at the Q&A exclusively available for UOM students.
Prof. James Corby, Associate Professor and Head of the English Department, will be facilitating this Q&A session.
UOM students wishing to join the Q&A, are invited to send in the question they would like to ask Sir Salman Rushdie to DESA at, including their full name, course, year of study and contact number also by 31 October.
Sir Salman Rushdie is one of the most celebrated authors of our time—of any time. A brilliant provocateur, he’s penned a handful of classic novels, influenced a generation of writers, and received a Queen’s Knighthood for his “services to literature.” He stands as both a pop culture icon and one of the most thought-provoking proponents for free speech today.