Posted on August 6, 2019

As the Management of the National Book Council remembers Pawlu Mizzi, whose life’s work opened up a new chapter for publishing in Malta, we are reproducing the transcript of Pawlu Mizzi’s article on ‘The Book Industry in Malta’ as it appeared in the brochure of the first Malta International Book Fair back in 1979.
The article provides a concise history of publishing in Malta into the twentieth century, Among other things, Mizzi writes about the monopoly of British publishers in Malta and its relation to the development of Maltese publishers. Finally, the article looks at the first attempt to set up a publishing house, driven by a greater demand for books in Maltese, the setting up of Mizzi’s own Klabb Kotba Maltin and the prospect of exploiting’s Malta’s capacity to become a centre for publishing in the Mediterranean.

The Book Industry in Malta
By Pawlu Mizzi, B.A.,
Director of Klabb Kotba Maltin
The book trade in Malta is almost as old as the book itself. Originating in a limited way under the strict control of the Order of St.John, it was later freed and commercialized when the British took over the administration of the island in 1814. The trade was further developed during the past one hundred and sixty-five years. As English spread its powerful influence, the trade became almost exclusively the monopoly of British publishers. Thus, in spite of the great potential for developing Malta as a Mediterranean book centre, European publishers largely preferred to leave the market in the hands of British sales executives. Only with the emergence of the Maltese publishers did the focus begin to shift considerably, thus aligning the book market towards a multinational interest— with a two-way traffic in business.
The extent to which this new market has grown may not be adequately gauged at this stage. Unofficial statistics are scant and the information available insufficient. However, economic observers claim that the balance sheet runs into a seven digit figure. The trading account is heavily debited with commissions incurred mainly the overseas agents. This is immediately apparent when one considers that around 45% of the book trade is based on imports. It is Britain’s boast that, with our 100,000 student population dependent mainly on British texts, Malta remains one of its best Commonwealth clients. In fact, Britain claims 48% of our total imports, U.S.A. — 32%, while the remaining 10% is shared among Italy, France and Germany.
Mass Production of books is fast becoming an important feature in Maltese industry. Since its Malta’s major printing presses, Progress Press and Lux Press, have been continuously modernized to keep up with publishing developments elsewhere. Prices remained competitive, and printers could afford to accept the ever-increasing orders for the Malta-produced book. The flourishing trade attracted other entrepreneurs to the fast expanding publishing venture. The setting up of St. Paul’s Press (now Interprint Ltd.) was followed by Printex, Tudor Press, Union Press and II-Hajja Press so that in less than twenty years Malta’s printing capacity has increased ten-fold — from 500,000 copies to 5,000,000 copies a year.
One of the factors which boosted the industry was the high quality production in the technique of the book. This is due to the craftmanship of our workers, many of whom inherited the trade from a long tradition of book-binders. The earliest known were members of the household of noble families who came from Italy during the sixteenth century and are known to have worked for the De Medici family. One fine example of their craftmanship is the book contain ing Perez d’Aleccio’s paintings of the Great Siege printed in Rome in 1582 which recently changed hand for a substantial sum.
The love for this old craft was manifest by Grand Master Lascaris when on the 17 June 1642 he issued the first printing licence to Pompeo del Fiore. It had long been the Order’s desire, particularly after the institution of the University of Studies by the Jesuits in 1592, to set up a printing press on the island which would keep abreast with developments in the literary and cultural centres of Europe. Differences over the right of censorship between the Grand Master and the Bishop delayed all institutional operations in publishing and thus deprived Maltese authorship from participating in the Renaissance that was then sweeping over Europe. The opening of the printing press was thus considered as a unique event which the Grand Master commemorated with the granting of special privileges to all those who worked in it. The printer received exclusive printing rights for twenty years while his four employees were exempted from military duty for as long as they worked in the press.
The Maltese did not take long to prove their skill in Book-Block making. They had already started a tradition of engravers when they had chiselled the bilingual inscription on the Phoenician Cippus some 300 years B.C. After that there was never a gap. The Roman period (218 B.C. to 870 AD.) flourishes with incisioned epitaphs on the pedestals of statues of Praetors as well as on the tombs of humble folks in the catacombs. Perhaps the best example in the art of blockmaking is the Majmuna tomb stone cut in limestone in 1137 A.D. Its craftsmanship leaves no doubt that the hands, which executed on it the Kufic characters in high relief, could have easily carved the book-blocks which produced the Ars Memorandi in 1470.
The lack of facilities in printing, however, deprived both the local craftsman and the Maltese author from the necessary experience needed in the development of their talents. Tipographic activity was inexistant up to the middle of the 18th century and book-production was limited only to book-binding. Thus authors had to seek other places overseas where to publish their works or theses. They did this at grave personal sacrifices, often at the risk of losing their manuscripts or of falling victims of plagiarism. Because of this awkward situation Can. G. P. Aguis De Soldanis, historian and philologist, became involved in a diplomatic between the King of Naples and the Grand Master of the Order of St. John. After the successful publication his Della Lingua Punica Presentemente Usata dei Maltesi in Rome in 1745, he was encouraged to send his new manuscript on Mustafa’ Bassa Ossia La di Lui Congiura to a certain Michele Acciardi, his literary agent in Naples. Acciardi agreed to print the book and accordingly sent the usual draft agreement which included the payment of royalties in terms of free copies. The manuscript was eventually printed but under Acciardi’s name and with alterations and additions that were objectionable to the Grand Master. In consequence all copies reaching Malta were confiscated and Can. Agius De Soldanis was called to Rome to account for his literary conduct. Only when the truth about Acciardi’s printing piracy became known was Can. Agius De Soldanis exculpated of the charge of sedition. In compensation for the hardship he was forced to suffer and in recognition of his literary talents he was created the first librarian of the newly formed Biblioteca Tanseana now the National Library of Malta.
The consciousness in the important role of the book coincided with the pioneering interest in the study of the Maltese language. De Soldanis was himself keen in diffusing it among the Knights of the Order of St. John in order to create a closer link between the rulers and the ruled. These views were also shared by Mikiel Anton Vassalli, another Maltese scholar, later also known as father of the Maltese language, who believed that the propagation of books in the vernacular was the most efficient media in the conquest of ignorance among the Maltese masses. Unfortunately his patriotic zeal in the Discorso Preliminare received little attention from the ruling authorities and his frequent appeals were discarded as revolutionary and Jacobite. Thus the entire nineteenth century was lost to many publications in Maltese and the few that were printed lacked the attraction needed to found the basis for a stable industry.
The first real attempt to start a Maltese publishing house came in 1895. Alphonse Maria Galea, a philantropist and social worker, who started an apprentice course in printing at the Salesian Fathers in Sliema, organized a series of publications called Cotba tal-Mogħdija taż-Żmien. The books were attractively produced and varied in interest. In spite of their relatively high price, two pence per copy — which was then almost the entire pay packet for the day — it attracted enough customers to make the venture economically viable. More than three thousand copies in each title were sold and for more than 20 years the Maltese reading public was secured of a much needed educational commodity. When the Maltese alphabet was standardized in 1921, the urge for more Maltese literature grew and later with the emergence of Maltese literary movements, organized publishing was again taken in hand by Dr. Guze in 1938. In two years Bonnici succeeded in publishing six titles but his untimely death relegated publishing to just a bookselling activity and for many years the Maltese book depended solely on the initiative of the authors themselves. Booksellers like A. J. Aquilina & Co., Giovanni Muscat, Cumbo and others were the only sources for the Maltese authors.
The growing awareness of the Maltese language as an integral part of national identity inspired literary circles to produce more works. As more books were produced more consumers were attracted and in the economically healthy climate that was created, Klabb Kotba Maltin was born. At first this Maltese publishing house planned to publish only one book a month, but as the demand grew the Klabb’s publishing facilities were extended. It launched a graded children’s section, published works of reference and issued a monthly magazine on Malta’s history and heritage. Merlin Library, too, joined the industry with production of more books particularly with Maltese translations of Ladybird books. In this way the efforts to our publishers proved fruitful and the Maltese book market became richer by at least 150 new titles a year.
These facts and figures in Maltese publishing are good pointers to an efficient book industry. The ingredients are all there: modern machinery, experience, technical know-how and above all entrepreneurship and enthusiasm. What is perhaps needed are first-class producers with visions that are wider and better than these ordinary shopkeepers. This is what the Prime Minister hinted at when, in a message to the nation broadcast on television on the 12 July 1976, he suggested that Malta’s book industry could become the pride of the Mediterranean.
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{startDate:"2021-03-24 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-24 11:00:00",summary:"Book presentation: 'Mattia Preti: Life and Works' by Keith Sciberras - Midsea Books",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-03-24 12:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-24 13:00:00",summary:"Book launch of the Maltese edition of Camus' 'Kaligula' - Faraxa Publishing",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-24 13:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-24 14:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Leading Cases in Maltese Administrative Law' - Kite Group",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-24 14:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-24 15:00:00",summary:"Maltese: The Protagonist of a New Digital Database - GħMU",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-24 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-24 17:00:00",summary:"Launch of the Maltese edition of Jim Crace's 'Quarantine' - Horizons",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 11:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Ċelel Bla Ħitan' - Horizons",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 12:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 14:00:00",summary:"Book club: Discussing Firebird with Mark Doty - NBC",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 13:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 14:00:00",summary:"Philosophy at the interface with technology and artificial intelligence - Dept. of Philosophy UM",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 14:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 15:00:00",summary:"Generosity, Love, Creativity, Happiness and Respect: 'Ġikkur' - Faraxa Publishing",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 17:00:00",summary:"The Ombudsman - Too soft on the Public Administration? - BDL Books",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-25 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-25 19:00:00",summary:"Book launch of Alfred Sant's memoir 'Confessions of a European Maltese - The Middle Years' - SKS",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 11:00:00",summary:"Book presentation: 'Ir-Redentur: History, Art, Cult' by Jonathan Farrugia (ed.) - Midsea Books",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 12:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 13:00:00",summary:"'Leħen il-Malti': 90 years, 40 editions - GħMU",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 14:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 15:00:00",summary:"Taboo! Do Maltese writers need to watch out for what they write in 2021? - Merlin Publishers",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 15:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 16:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Tourism and the Maltese Islands – Observations, reflections and proposals' - Kite Group",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 17:00:00",summary:"The author interview with Mark Doty - NBC",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-03-26 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-03-26 21:00:00",summary:"Open Mic at the Campus Book Festival - Inizjamed, NBC",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-02 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-02 19:30:00",summary:"OPENING NIGHT AND 2021 TERRAMAXKA PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY - NBC",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 11:00:00",summary:"READING SESSION BY RUTH FRENDO: 'L-ĠĦOĠOL TAD-DEHEB' AND 'ID-DINJA TAL-ORSINI' - MILLER",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 10:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 12:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCHES: TEATRU MALTA PUBLICATIONS - TEATRU MALTA",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 17:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 18:30:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'IL BOSCAIOLO' (ALGRA EDITORE) - IIC",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 19:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'STORJA TAL-ILSIEN U L-LETTERATURA MALTIJA - KRONOLOĠIJA' - AKKADEMJA TAL-MALTI / HERITAGE MALTA",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 18:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 19:00:00",summary:"IL-KOTBA JIEĦDU L-ĦAJJA (BOOKS COME TO LIFE) - DANUSAN",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 20:00:00",summary:"CANCELLED - BOOK LAUNCH: 'THE MALTESE LEGAL SYSTEM' - MUP",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-03 19:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-03 21:00:00",summary:"IRVINE WELSH: OF LITERATURE AND DJ SETS - NBC",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 09:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 10:30:00",summary:"QUIZ SHOW: BOOKS ARE WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS - NBC",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 11:00:00",summary:"READING SESSION BY RUTH FRENDO: 'L-ĠĦOĠOL TAD-DEHEB' AND 'ID-DINJA TAL-ORSINI' - MILLER",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 18:30:00",summary:"PLAY: 'PITO U PITA' - HORIZONS",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 17:45:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'KÒSHARI - RACCONTI ARABI E MALTESI' - IIC",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 19:00:00",summary:"IS IT CHUIZ OR KWIZZ? - GĦAQDA TAL-MALTI – UNIVERSITÀ",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 19:00:00",summary:"L-ISFIDA MSELLA - SAN ANTON SCHOOL / NBC",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 18:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 19:00:00",summary:"IL-KOTBA JIEĦDU L-ĦAJJA (BOOKS COME TO LIFE) - DANUSAN",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 20:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'WORKING LIFE AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF MALTA' - MALTA UNIVERSITY PRESS",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 19:15:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 20:00:00",summary:"INFORMATION SESSION: WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? - CREATIVE EUROPE DESK MALTA",timest:"7:15 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 19:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 21:00:00",summary:"LITERARY EXCHANGES: IRVINE WELSH AND IMMANUEL MIFSUD IN CONVERSATION (MOD. MARK VELLA) - NBC",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-04 20:15:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 21:15:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'VARJAZZJONIJIET TAS-SKIET' BY NADIA MIFSUD - EDE BOOKS",timest:"8:15 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 09:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 10:30:00",summary:"QUIZ SHOW: BOOKS ARE WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS - NBC",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 11:00:00",summary:"READING SESSION BY RUTH FRENDO: 'L-ĠĦOĠOL TAD-DEHEB' AND 'ID-DINJA TAL-ORSINI' - MILLER",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 18:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'IL-FORMA TAL-ILMA' (LA FORMA DELL’ACQUA, ANDREA CAMILLERI) - IIC / MERLIN PUBLISHERS",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 17:45:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'WHERE WILD ORCHIDS GROW' BY JOHAN SIGGESSON - MARVELLOUS MALTA",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 17:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 18:30:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'EXODUS OF THE STORKS' (L-EŻODU TAĊ-ĊIKONJI, WALID NABHAN) - PETER OWEN PUBLISHERS / NBC",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 19:00:00",summary:"JOIN US FOR AN HOUR OF MAKKJETT’GĦANA - GĦAQDA TAL-MALTI – UNIVERSITÀ",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 19:00:00",summary:"BOOK READING AND SIGNING: 'THE PATH TO REDEMPTION' BY STEPHEN MANGION - MILLER DISTRIBUTORS",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 18:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 19:00:00",summary:"IL-KOTBA JIEĦDU L-ĦAJJA (BOOKS COME TO LIFE) - DANUSAN",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 20:00:00",summary:"CANCELLED - BOOK PRESENTATION: 'REQUIEM PER UN FASCISTA MALTESE' - IIC",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 20:00:00",summary:"THE 2021 DOREEN MICALLEF NATIONAL POETRY CONTEST: AWARDS CEREMONY - NBC",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 19:15:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 20:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH OF 9 NEW BOOKS - HORIZONS",timest:"7:15 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 20:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 20:45:00",summary:"STAND-UP PERFORMANCE BY RON BRIFFA - KITE GROUP",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 20:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 21:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: 'STRANGERS I’LL NEVER FORGET' BY MJ CAMILLERI - EDE BOOKS",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 20:15:00",endDate:"2021-11-05 21:15:00",summary:"RECTORS IN CONVERSATION – DOCUMENTING THE LEGACY OF THE UOM - MALTA UNIVERSITY PRESS",timest:"8:15 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-05 20:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-04 21:30:00",summary:"THE DOOR’S ALWAYS AJAR: A TRIBUTE TO PROF. OLIVER FRIGGIERI - NBC",timest:"8:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 12:00:00",summary:"STORIES, GAMES AND CRAFTS FOR CHILDREN - FARAXA PUBLISHING",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 10:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 12:30:00",summary:"PRESIDENT GEORGE VELLA BOOK SIGNING OF 'TISJIR MILL-QALB' - MILLER",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 10:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 11:15:00",summary:"READINGS BY AUNTY SAB FOR CHILDREN AGED 3-6 - MERLIN PUBLISHERS",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 10:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 11:30:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'SWEET MALTESE MOMENTS' BY PAUL FENECH - MIDSEA BOOKS",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 11:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 00:30:00",summary:"READING SESSION BY RUTH FRENDO: 'L-ĠĦOĠOL TAD-DEHEB' AND 'ID-DINJA TAL-ORSINI' - MILLER",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 12:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 13:00:00",summary:"EUPL WINNERS OVER THE YEARS - CREATIVE EUROPE DESK MALTA",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 13:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 14:00:00",summary:"READINGS FROM EUPL WINNERS: 'KISSIRTU KULLIMKIEN' - CREATIVE EUROPE DESK MALTA",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 13:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 15:00:00",summary:"PLAY: 'PITO U PITA' - HORIZONS",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 14:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 15:30:00",summary:"CANCELLED - TREASURE TROVES OF MALTESE HISTORY – MUP",timest:"2:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 15:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 15:45:00",summary:"PRIZE CEREMONY: GERMAN‐LANGUAGE WRITING COMPETITION ‘CITY DREAMS’ - GMC / DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN, UOM",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 16:45:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'WHERE WILD ORCHIDS GROW' BY JOHAN SIGGESSON - MARVELLOUS MALTA",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 17:00:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'WITH ALL DUE RESPECT' BY JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO - MILLER",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 16:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 17:30:00",summary:"'IL-KOTBA JIEĦDU L-ĦAJJA' (BOOKS COME TO LIFE) - DANUSAN",timest:"4:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 17:45:00",summary:"'IL-FATAT KAĦLANI': READINGS BY CLARE AZZOPARDI AND LEANNE ELLUL - MERLIN PUBLISHERS",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 18:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCHES: NEW MALTESE WRITING IN ENGLISH - PRASPAR PRESS AND NBC",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 17:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 18:30:00",summary:"BOOK SIGNING SESSION BY IRA LOSCO - KIWI PUBLICATIONS",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 18:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 19:00:00",summary:"'ĦASSARTEK': A BOOK OF ERASURE POEMS - MATTHEW SCHEMBRI",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 18:15:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 19:15:00",summary:"BOOK PRODUCTION SEMINAR - GUTENBERG PRESS",timest:"6:15 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 19:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"PRESENTATION OF THE TRILOGY: 'IL VURRICATORE', 'AI CONFINI DELL’INFERNO', 'GLI STRATEGHI DEL MALE' BY I.M.D - IIC",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 19:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 20:30:00",summary:"MALTESE LITERATURE ACROSS CONTINENTS - NBC",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 19:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 20:30:00",summary:"CRYSTAL CLEAR? TRANSLATING POETRY - INIZJAMED",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 20:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 21:00:00",summary:"CANCELLED - 'ORGOGLIO SICILIANO' (BONFIRRARO EDITORE) - IIC",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-06 20:45:00",endDate:"2021-11-06 21:45:00",summary:"FILM SCREENING: TREVOR ŻAHRA - RECIPIENT OF THE NATIONAL BOOK PRIZE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - NBC",timest:"8:45 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 09:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 11:00:00",summary:"READING SESSION BY RUTH FRENDO: 'L-ĠĦOĠOL TAD-DEHEB' AND 'ID-DINJA TAL-ORSINI' - MILLER",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 11:00:00",summary:"CANCELLED - 'WITH ALL DUE RESPECT' BY JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO - MILLER",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 10:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 12:00:00",summary:"PRESIDENT GEORGE VELLA BOOK SIGNING OF 'TISJIR MILL-QALB'- MILLER",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 10:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 11:15:00",summary:"LUPU LUPETTU AND FRIENDS OLD AND NEW - MERLIN PUBLISHERS",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 11:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 13:30:00",summary:"PLAY: 'PITO U PITA' - HORIZONS",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 12:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 13:30:00",summary:"INFO SESSION: WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? - CREATIVE EUROPE DESK MALTA",timest:"12:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 13:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 14:30:00",summary:"CANCELLED: BOOK SIGNING: 'SLIEMA WIVES: THE NEW BREED' - MIDSEA BOOKS",timest:"1:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 14:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 15:00:00",summary:"‘DO PUPPETS TALK?’ - PUPPET SHOW - MERLIN LIBRARY",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 15:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 16:30:00",summary:"STORIES, GAMES, AND CRAFTS FOR CHILDREN - FARAXA PUBLISHING",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 16:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 16:45:00",summary:"‘IR-RUMANZINI’ - MERLIN PUBLISHERS",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 16:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 17:30:00",summary:"'IL-KOTBA JIEĦDU L-ĦAJJA' (BOOKS COME TO LIFE) - DANUSAN",timest:"4:30 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 17:45:00",summary:"BOOK PRESENTATION: 'WHERE WILD ORCHIDS GROW' BY JOHAN SIGGESSON - MARVELLOUS MALTA",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 17:00:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 18:00:00",summary:"BOOK LAUNCH: THE 40TH EDITION OF 'LEĦEN IL-MALTI' - GĦAQDA TAL-MALTI - UNIVERSITÀ",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2021-11-07 17:30:00",endDate:"2021-11-07 20:00:00",summary:"FILM SCREENING: 'IS-SRIEP REĠGĦU SARU VELENUŻI' - NBC",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 09:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 13:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 10:30:00",summary:"Reading Session: Osbert and friends – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 10:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show for Children up to 8 years – Theatre (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 11:30:00",summary:"Reading Session: Il-Kavallier Għatxan – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 12:00:00",summary:"Brewing Stories – Malta Libraries – Authors’ Hub (MT/EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 00:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show for Children between 8–12 years - Theatre (MT)",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 18:00:00",summary:"Three Little Pigs (3-6 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 21:00:00",summary:"Live Podcast - Jon Mallia - Readers’ Hub",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 17:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 18:15:00",summary:"Book Presentation: 'Il-Forka ta’ Malta u l-Piena Kapitali barra minn xtutna' - Ronald Bugeja - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",summary:"The Very Hungry Caterpillar (3-6 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",summary:"L-Isfida Msella - San Anton School & NBC - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 18:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:15:00",summary:"Launch of the 2022 Novels for Youth Literary Contest - NBC and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 19:30:00",summary:"L-Ilma - Ibda Minnek - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 20:00:00",summary:"Wikipedia Editing Workshop - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Rainbow Hall (MT/EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 20:30:00",summary:"Poetry Reading from Contemporary Poets - Kotba Calleja – Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 21:00:00",summary:"Demgħat tas-Silġ? Omaġġ lil Mario Azzopardi - KNK - Theatre (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-23 20:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-23 20:30:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 09:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 13:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 10:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show for Children up to 8 years – Theatre (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 23:30:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 12:00:00",summary:"The Joy of Maps - Malta Libraries - Authors’ Hub (MT/EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 12:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show for Children between 8–12 years - Theatre (MT)",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 17:45:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 17:30:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 19:00:00",summary:"Malta Illustration Annual Launch Event - Malta Community of Illustrators - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 18:00:00",summary:"Three Little Pigs (3-6 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 17:45:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 18:45:00",summary:"Travel stories between Malta and Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries - French Embassy in Malta - Authors’ Hub (EN)",timest:"5:45 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 18:45:00",summary:"Wiki Loves - Information Session - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Blue Hall (MT/EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-10-24 20:00:00",summary:"Reading Champions - National Literacy Agency - Theatre (MT)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 18:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 19:15:00",summary:"'The Bell' by Maria Grech Ganado, a work in progress - Kotba Calleja - Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 19:30:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 20:00:00",summary:"Joe Sacco in conversation with James Debono - NBC - Blue Hall (EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz: Mill-basla tax-xagħar sa qasbet is-sieq - Għaqda tal-Malti - Università - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 19:15:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 20:30:00",summary:"Meet the Artist Session with Trevor Żahra - Arts Council Malta - Illustrators’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:15 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 20:30:00",summary:"Book presentation: 'The front page on the front line' - Klabb Kotba Maltin - Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-24 20:15:00",endDate:"2022-11-24 21:00:00",summary:"Discussion: 'L-Ibleh' - SKS - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"8:15 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 09:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 13:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 10:30:00",summary:"Reading Session: The Water Heroes - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 10:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show – Striped Pyjamas: Meet John Boyne - Theatre (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 11:30:00",summary:"Reading Session: A Journey with the Energetic Four – The Renewables - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 12:00:00",summary:"When in doubt – ASK A LIBRARIAN! - Malta Libraries - Authors’ Hub (MT/EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 11:45:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 12:45:00",summary:"Author session with children and parents - Merlin Library - Merlin Library Stand (MT)",timest:"11:45 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-10-13 00:30:00",summary:"Reading Session: L-Erba’ Żgħażagħ u l-Kumpanija tal-Ilma – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 12:40:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show - Meet the author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Theatre (EN)",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 17:45:00",summary:"Sicily, cities and myths - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Authors’ Hub (IT)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 18:00:00",summary:"Storytelling through Movement and Dance - Inspire Foundation (3-6 years) - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 18:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 17:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 18:30:00",summary:"Meet the Artist Session with Malta Community of Illustrators (MCOI) - Arts Council Malta - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 17:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",summary:"The 2022 Doreen Micallef National Poetry Contest: Awards Ceremony - NBC - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 18:45:00",summary:"Book Presentation: 'Non è al momento raggiungibile' (Mondadori) by Valentina Farinaccio - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Authors’ Hub (IT)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",summary:"Storytelling through Movement and Dance (6-12 years) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 18:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 19:45:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'Sajf', a novel by Ryan Falzon - Kotba Calleja - Illustrators’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 20:00:00",summary:"Marie Gamillscheg reading from her novel 'Aufruhr der Meerestiere' (2022) - GMC / UM German Dept. - Rainbow Hall (DE)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 20:00:00",summary:"Edit-a-thon - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 20:30:00",summary:"Book talk: 'In the Footsteps of Antonello da Messina' by Charlene Vella - Midsea Books - Blue Hall (EN)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 20:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'L-Antoloġija tal-Letteratura Mqarba' - Dar Camilleri - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 21:00:00",summary:"John Boyne in conversation with Leanne Ellul - KNK - Theatre (EN)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-25 20:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-25 20:30:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 09:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 10:15:00",summary:"Reading session with Lucienne Cassar - Pandora Books - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 09:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",summary:"Discussion: 'Society Fashion in Malta' - Midsea Books - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",summary:"Illustrate with Gattaldo: exclusive workshop for children aged 7-12 - NBC - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 10:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",summary:"Three Little Pigs (3-6 year olds)- Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 12:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Asher and the Extraordinary Journey' by Carl-Thomas Tonna - Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 12:00:00",summary:"Simon Trewin - Confessions of a literary agent - NBC - Authors’ Hub (EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 00:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Stand WCM (MT/EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:15:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 11:45:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'Tita Tmiss l-Art' by Glen Calleja and Clare Azzopardi - Kotba Calleja - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"11:15 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 00:30:00",summary:"Information session on Arts Council Malta funding and strategy - Arts Council Malta - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 11:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-04 12:12:00",summary:"Book Signing: 'Il-Ġurnalista, l-Istorja ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia’ - Midsea Books",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 13:00:00",summary:"The Very Hungry Caterpillar (6-12 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 12:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 15:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 12:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 14:30:00",summary:"Literary Speed Dating - KNK - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"12:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 13:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 15:00:00",summary:"Pirates of Maltaland! (6-12 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"1:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 14:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 15:00:00",summary:"Discussion: Self-publishing - A focus on quality - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 15:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 16:00:00",summary:"Prize-giving Ceremony: German Language Writing Competition ‘TierWelten’ - GMC / Dept. of German, UM - Blue Hall (DE)",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 15:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 16:00:00",summary:"Puppet show and storytelling - Merlin Library - Rainbow Hall (MT)",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 17:00:00",summary:"Wikipedia Editing Workshop - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Blue Hall (MT/EN)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 17:30:00",summary:"Meet the Publisher session with Chris Gruppetta and Joseph Mizzi - Arts Council Malta - Illustrators’ Hub (MT)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 17:00:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg show: Coco the Singer and the Chocolate Finger (8 years and older) - Theatre (EN)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 18:00:00",summary:"Book Launches: Scintillas: New Maltese Writing 2 and The Lives and Deaths of K. Penza – Praspar Press – Authors’ Hub (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 18:00:00",summary:"The Clown Tells a Story! (6-12 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 17:15:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 18:00:00",summary:"Albert Camus and Annie Ernaux, two French Nobel Prizes in Literature – French Embassy in Malta – Blue Hall (EN)",timest:"5:15 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:00:00",summary:"The Clown Tells a Story! (6-12 year olds) - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 18:15:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",summary:"Panel discussion: What’s an image worth – forms of visual storytelling - NBC - Blue Hall (EN)",timest:"6:15 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 18:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:15:00",summary:"How a book is made - Gutenberg Press - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 18:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",summary:"Reading session with Nicola Kearns - Authors’ Hub (EN)",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",summary:"L-Ilma - Ibda Minnek - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 20:00:00",summary:"Edit-a-thon - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 20:30:00",summary:"Discussion: Xejn ġdid taħt il-kappa tax-xemx? Il-ġurnaliżmu f’Malta 20 sena wara r-rumanz - Merlin Publishers - Rainbow Hall (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 20:30:00",summary:"Poetry Slam - Għaqda tal-Malti - Università - Illustrators’ Hub (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 19:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 21:00:00",summary:"Film Screening: Rena Balzan, Recipient of the 2021 National Book Prize Lifetime Achievement Award - NBC - Theatre (MT)",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 20:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 20:30:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-26 20:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-26 21:00:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'Ir-Re Borg' by Aleks Farrugia- SKS - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 09:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 09:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",summary:"The Clown Tells a Story! - Inspire Foundation - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 10:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 12:00:00",summary:"President George Vella book signing of Tisjir mill-Qalb - Agenda Bookshop - Agenda Bookshop Stand (MT)",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 11:30:00",summary:"L-Ilma - Ibda Minnek - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 11:45:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'Tita Tmiss l-Art' by Glen Calleja and Clare Azzopardi - Kotba Calleja - Authors’ Hub (MT)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 00:00:00",summary:"Puppet show and storytelling - Merlin Library - Rainbow Hall (MT)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 00:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 11:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 12:00:00",summary:"ŻiguŻajg Show: Coco the Singer and the Chocolate Finger (8 years and older) - Theatre (EN)",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 14:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 15:00:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'Mikelin' and 'Noè e lo scoiattolo giocherellone' - NBC and Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Authors’ Hub (IT)",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 14:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 15:00:00",summary:"Reading Session: Osbert and Friends – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"2:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 15:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",summary:"Book signing with Lorraine Galea - Pandora Books - Pandora Books Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 15:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",summary:"Book launch of Leħen il-Malti no. 41 - Għaqda tal-Malti - Università - Blue Hall (MT)",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 15:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",summary:"Reading Session: L-istejjer ta’ Zoe u d-Dragun waqt Żmien il-Pandemija tal-Covid – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (MT)",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 16:45:00",summary:"Book presentation: 'A tavola con gli antichi romani' (Efesto edizioni) by Giorgio Franchetti - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Authors’ Hub (IT)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 17:00:00",summary:"Wikipedia Editing Workshop - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Rainbow Hall (MT/EN)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 16:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 17:30:00",summary:"Discussion: Illustration and picture books as tools for education and social inclusion - Arts Council Malta - Illustrators’ Hub (EN)",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 18:00:00",summary:"Living The Dystopia - The novel 'TÜK' by Ukrainian writer Art Antonian - Blue Hall (UA)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 18:30:00",summary:"Live Animal Session! - Fondazzjoni Inspire - Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall (EN)",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 17:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 20:00:00",summary:"Sensory Friendly Room @ Rainbow Hall",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 17:30:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 18:00:00",summary:"Water - Be the Change - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Readers’ Hub (EN)",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 18:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 19:00:00",summary:"Meetup - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2022-11-27 19:00:00",endDate:"2022-11-27 20:00:00",summary:"Edit-a-thon - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand (MT/EN)",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 22:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word match - German Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM - GMC / Dept. of German Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 22:00:00",summary:"Malta Community of Illustrators Interactive Mural",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 22:00:00",summary:"Il-Kamra Sensorja",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 22:00:00",summary:"Exhibition: Il-Malti: Il-Mixja sal-Għarfien Uffiċjali - Heritage Malta & l-Akkademja tal-Malti",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 22:00:00",summary:"Exhibition: From Illustration To Book - NBC & Arts Council Malta",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 10:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for primary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 10:30:00",summary:"Reading session: Il-Kavallier Għatxan - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 11:00:00",summary:"Let’s get lost in Knowledge (5-8 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 11:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 12:30:00",summary:"Jack & the Beanstalk (8-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 12:30:00",summary:"Reading session: Osbert and Friends - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 12:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for primary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 18:00:00",summary:"A reading by author Sandra Hili Vassallo - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 18:00:00",summary:"Animal Bounty! Live animal session (6-10 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 18:30:00",summary:"A talk by Veronica Veen - Inanna Publishers - Inanna Publishers Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 19:00:00",summary:"How does Wikipedia actually work? - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 19:00:00",summary:"L-Isfida Msella - San Anton School & NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 18:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 20:30:00",summary:"Award-Giving Ceremony - The Plaza Prizes - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-18 19:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-18 20:30:00",summary:"Adapting for the Screen – Support Schemes by the Malta Film Commission - Malta Film Commission - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 09:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 22:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word match- German Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM - GMC / Dept. of German Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 10:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for middle and secondary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 11:00:00",summary:"Who is Hiding under the Sea? (9-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 10:30:00",summary:"Reading session: A Journey with the Energetic Four: The Renewables - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 12:00:00",summary:"Storytelling for kids about Shadow the dog - Kite Group - Kite Group Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 11:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 12:30:00",summary:"Inspiration, Technique, Success - a creative writing masterclass by Sam Blake for post-sec students - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 11:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 12:30:00",summary:"Animal Bounty! Live animal session (9-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 12:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for middle and secondary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 12:30:00",summary:"Reading session: Luna u l-Energetika: Il-Vapur Sostenibbli - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 18:00:00",summary:"A reading by author Sandra Hili Vassallo - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 18:00:00",summary:"When do Hippos Play? (5-8 years) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 19:00:00",summary:"Networking event for librarians together with Fondazione per Leggere di Milano and Malta Libraries - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 19:00:00",summary:"Wikipedian-in-Residence at - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 20:00:00",summary:"Reading Champions - National Literacy Agency - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 18:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 19:30:00",summary:"Masterclass: What's Your Story: 5 Steps to Writing a Bestseller - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 19:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 20:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'The First Maltese: How it all Began in Gozo' by Veronica Veen - Inanna Publishers - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-19 19:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-19 20:30:00",summary:"FRAKASS: contemporary poets - Kotba Calleja - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 10:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for primary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 10:30:00",summary:"Reading session: Osbert and Friends - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 11:00:00",summary:"Included - interactive session (9-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 12:00:00",summary:"Storytelling for kids about Shadow the dog - Kite Group - Kite Group Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 11:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 12:30:00",summary:"My Way to Kindness (7-10 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 12:30:00",summary:"Reading session: L-Eroj tal-Ilma - Energy and Water Agency (EWA) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 12:30:00",summary:"A theatre show for primary school students - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",summary:"A reading by author Sandra Hili Vassallo - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",summary:"All My Stripes (8-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",summary:"Finding the Words - an exchange between Sam Blake and Leanne Ellul on ideas and words in fiction writing - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",summary:"140 languages for Pinocchio - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇮🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",summary:"You’re so dramatic! - A workshop on Maltese theatre - Għaqda tal-Malti – Università - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",summary:"What is Wikidata? - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 20:00:00",summary:"Book presentation: 'Requiem per un fascista maltese' by Francis Ebejer – Bonfirraro Editore – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇮🇹",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 20:00:00",summary:"Meet the author: Barbi Marković reads from her latest novel 'Minihorror' (2023) - GMC / UM Department of German - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇩🇪",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 19:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 20:00:00",summary:"Masculinity in 'Small Worlds': A reading circle with LukeReads - Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers - Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 19:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 20:30:00",summary:"Reading from 'Jiena u Beppe, Beppe u Jiena' (Merlin Publishers) - MIVC - Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇲🇹",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 19:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 20:30:00",summary:"Awards Ceremony: The 2023 Doreen Micallef National Poetry Contest - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 20:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 21:30:00",summary:"these poems are fan-like… - vrusha/vrusna - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"8:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-20 20:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-20 21:30:00",summary:"VII / Fidwa - Teatru Malta - It-Teatru",timest:"8:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 11:00:00",summary:"Zinn Zinn Zinn: Music and literature for young ones and their elders - Għaqda tal-Malti – Università - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 10:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 11:00:00",summary:"Inside Publishing - Routes to Market: A masterclass by Simon Trewin - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 11:00:00",summary:"A Q&A session with the Ġemma team - Ġemma - L-Istand ta’ Ġemma 🇲🇹",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 11:30:00",summary:"Friendfish in the Ocean (5-7 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 11:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 11:45:00",summary:"A reading session with Lucienne Cassar - Pandora Bargain Books - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇲🇹",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 11:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 12:30:00",summary:"Writing for children and young adults - a masterclass by children’s books editor Charlie Castelletti - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 13:00:00",summary:"Book signing with Lucienne Cassar - Pandora Bargain Books - Pandora Bargain Books Stand 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 13:00:00",summary:"When Do Hippos Play? (5-8 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 13:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 14:00:00",summary:"Editing workshop by Jen Calleja and Kat Storace - Praspar Press & NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 13:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 14:00:00",summary:"Mini-art workshops by Veronica Veen - Inanna Publishers - Inanna Publishers Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 14:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 15:00:00",summary:"Animal Bounty! Live animal session ( 5-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 15:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 16:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'The Manor House Governess' (Black and White, Bonnier Books) by C.A. Castle - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 16:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 17:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Scintillas: New Maltese Writing 3' - Praspar Press - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 18:00:00",summary:"A reading by author Sandra Hili Vassallo - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 18:30:00",summary:"2023 Wiki Loves Photo Contests Awards Ceremony - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 18:00:00",summary:"Launch of the Commonwealth Short Story Prize in Malta with Constantia Soteriou - NBC & Commonwealth Foundation - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 19:00:00",summary:"Info sessions about Wikimedia photography contests - Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) - WCM Stand 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 19:00:00",summary:"How you say it to yourself: Between writing and translation on Aphroconfuso - Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 19:30:00",summary:"[gæp] WHAT IS A GAP? A playful talk on Liberation - Ateliersi & Istituto Italiano di Cultura - it-Teatru 🇮🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 18:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 19:15:00",summary:"How a book is made - Gutenberg Press - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 19:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 20:00:00",summary:"The Italian-language works of Frans Sammut - Bonfirraro editore - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇮🇹",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 19:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 20:30:00",summary:"Gibraltar comes to Malta: a window into Gibraltar literature, history & culture - Gibraltar National Book Council - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-21 20:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-21 22:00:00",summary:"Writers’ roundtable with Jon Mallia - NBC - It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"8:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 11:00:00",summary:"A Q&A session with the Ġemma team - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 12:00:00",summary:"Storytelling for kids about Shadow the dog - Kite Group - Kite Group Stand 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 10:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 11:30:00",summary:"Let's get lost in Knowledge (5-8 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 12:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 13:00:00",summary:"Friendfish in the Ocean (5-7 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 14:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 15:00:00",summary:"Animal Bounty! Live animal session (5-12 year olds) – Inspire Foundation – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 14:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 16:00:00",summary:"Launch of 'Leħen il-Malti - Għadd 42' - Għaqda tal-Malti – Università - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"2:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 16:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 17:00:00",summary:"Saxophone performance & presentation of 'Gato Barbieri - Una biografia dall'Italia tra jazz, pop e cinema (ArtDigiland) - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 16:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 17:00:00",summary:"Film screening & panel discussion: Prof. Henry Frendo, Recipient of the 2022 NBP Lifetime Achievement Award – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 17:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 18:00:00",summary:"A reading by author Sandra Hili Vassallo - Ġemma - Ġemma Stand 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 17:30:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 18:30:00",summary:"From page to stage and screen: two takes on 'Castillo' (Merlin Publishers) - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2023-10-22 18:00:00",endDate:"2023-10-22 19:00:00",summary:"Book presentation of 'Raccogliere il mare con un cucchiaino' by Regina Catrambone (Edizioni Città Nuova) - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Is-Sala fil-Pjazza 🇮🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"Tree of Values – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"Once Upon a Time… – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"Exhibition: 'From Illustration To Book' – NBC & Arts Council Malta (ACM)",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"Il-Kamra Sensorja - Inspire Malta",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 10:30:00",summary:"The Supercharged Story Slam: A Theatre Show for Primary School Students – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 10:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 10:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 11:15:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 11:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 11:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 11:45:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 12:15:00",summary:"The Supercharged Story Slam: A Theatre Show for Primary School Students – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"11:45 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 12:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 12:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word Match – German-Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM – GMC / Dept. of German, UM Stand 23 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"The Pleasure of Reading: Reading Sessions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) – NLA Stand 9 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 17:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 18:00:00",summary:"A Talk by Veronica Veen – Inanna Publishers – CANCELLED",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"Reading Champions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) & NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 19:00:00",summary:"Wikipedian-in-Residence @ – Wikimedia Community Malta – WCM Stand 37 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 19:00:00",summary:"Book Launch & Readings: 'Antoloġija Poeżija Kontemporanja 2023/2024' – Kotba Calleja – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 18:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 20:00:00",summary:"Discovering the UM Library’s Unique Collections: From Rare Books to the Kollezzjoni Programmi tal-Festa – UM Library – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-06 19:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-06 21:00:00",summary:"Guess Who? – Merlin Publishers – Merlin Publishers Stand 16 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:00:00",summary:"Tree of Values – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:00:00",summary:"Once Upon a Time… – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 10:30:00",summary:"The Great Imagination Heist!: A Theatre Show for Secondary School Students – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 10:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 10:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 11:15:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 11:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 11:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 11:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 12:15:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 11:45:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 12:15:00",summary:"The Great Imagination Heist!: A Theatre Show for Secondary School Students – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"11:45 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 12:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 12:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:00:00",summary:"The Pleasure of Reading: Reading Sessions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) – NLA Stand 9 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word Match – German-Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM – GMC / Dept. of German, UM Stand 23 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 17:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 19:00:00",summary:"THINK Soapbox – THINK Magazine – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 17:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 18:00:00",summary:"A Talk by Veronica Veen – Inanna Publishers – CANCELLED",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 19:00:00",summary:"Edit-a-thon: The National Book Prize Winners on Wikipedia – NBC & Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 19:00:00",summary:"L-Isfida Msella – NBC & San Anton School – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 19:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:30:00",summary:"Talk: The Correspondence Exchanged between Ġużè Cardona & Karmen Mikallef Buħaġar – L-Akkademja tal-Malti – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-07 19:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-07 20:30:00",summary:"The World of Writing: A Creative Writing Masterclass by Anthony Horowitz – NBC – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Tree of Values – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Once Upon a Time… – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 10:30:00",summary:"Reaching for the Stars with Anthony Horowitz: A Fun Talk and Q&A Session for Students Aged 8–10 – NBC – It-Teatru 🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 10:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 11:00:00",summary:"Discovering Wikipedia: An Info Session for Post-Secondary Students – NBC & WCM – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 10:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 11:15:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 11:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 11:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 11:45:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 12:15:00",summary:"Reaching for the Stars with Anthony Horowitz: A Fun Talk and Q&A Session for Students Aged 11–14 – NBC – It-Teatru 🇬🇧",timest:"11:45 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 12:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 12:30:00",summary:"Storytelling Session (Ages 6–12) – Energy and Water Agency (EWA) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 19:00:00",summary:"Meet the Author: Paul George Pisani – Delicon Books – Delicon Books Stand 26 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"The Pleasure of Reading: Reading Sessions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) – NLA Stand 9 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word Match – German-Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM – GMC / Dept. of German, UM Stand 23 🇬🇧",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 17:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 18:30:00",summary:"“Half bil-Malti u Half bl-Ingliż”: A Discussion on English in Maltese – L-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"5:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 19:30:00",summary:"The 2024 Doreen Micallef National Poetry Contest: Prize-Giving Ceremony – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 19:00:00",summary:"Intangible Cultural Heritage on Wikidata – Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) – WCM Stand 37",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 19:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Book launch: 'Disa’ Opri' by Albert Marshall – Horizons – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 19:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Book launch: The Maltese Translation of 'The Three Body Problem' – Faraxa Publishing – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 19:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",summary:"Book Launch: 'The Field' by Ricky Caruana – Agenda Bookshop – Agenda Bookshop Stand 41 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-08 20:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-08 21:00:00",summary:"'Prophet Song': Booker Prize-Winning Author Paul Lynch in Conversation – NBC – It-Teatru 🇬🇧",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"Tree of Values – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"Once Upon a Time… – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"The Pleasure of Reading: Reading Sessions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) – NLA Stand 9 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word Match – German-Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM – GMC / Dept. of German, UM Stand 23 🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 15:00:00",summary:"Developing Your Fiction: A Faber Academy Workshop by Richard Skinner – NBC – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 11:00:00",summary:"Bookbinding Workshop (Ages 8–12): A Hands-On introduction by Glen Calleja – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 09:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 10:45:00",summary:"Draw a Café Scene: An Illustration Workshop for Adults – The French Embassy – Ir-Rokna tal-Ktieb 🇬🇧/ 🇫🇷",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 11:00:00",summary:"Zinn Zinn Zinn 2: More Music and Literature for Young Ones and Their Elders – Għaqda tal-Malti – Università – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 10:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 11:30:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 11:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 12:00:00",summary:"Create a Drawing and a Poem: A Workshop for Children – The French Embassy – Ir-Rokna tal-Ktieb 🇬🇧/ 🇫🇷",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 11:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 13:00:00",summary:"Bookbinding Workshop (Ages 14+): A Hands-On Introduction by Glen Calleja – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 11:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 12:30:00",summary:"From Theme to Illustration (Ages 14+): A Workshop by Ed Dingli - NBC & Arts Council Malta (ACM) - Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"11:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 12:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 13:00:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 13:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 15:00:00",summary:"Literary Speed Dating – NBC – Ir-Rokna tal-Ktieb 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 13:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 14:00:00",summary:"From Concept to Animation: Kyle Xuereb Cunningham's Malta Book Festival Promos – NBC & Arts Council Malta (ACM) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 13:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 13:30:00",summary:"Mini Art Workshops by Veronica Veen – Inanna Publishers – CANCELLED",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 14:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 15:00:00",summary:"French Children’s Book Signing: 'Lapinoudoudou' – The French Embassy - The French Corner Stand 24 🇬🇧/ 🇫🇷",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 14:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 15:00:00",summary:"Meet Perlina TV’s Vibrant Characters!: Programmes for Children Aged 0–9 – Perlina TV – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 14:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 15:30:00",summary:"The Role of Contemporary Illustrators: Panel Discussion and Launch of the Illustration Annual 2024 – MCOI – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"2:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 15:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 17:00:00",summary:"Meet the Author: Ursola Borg – Delicon Books – Delicon Books Stand 26 🇲🇹",timest:"3:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 15:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 16:15:00",summary:"How a Book Is Made – Gutenberg Press – Ir-Rokna tal-Ktieb 🇬🇧",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 15:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 16:30:00",summary:"Manuscript to Market: A Q&A with Literary agent Jonathan Lloyd from Curtis Brown - NBC - Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 18:00:00",summary:"The Writing Community – Aphroconfuso – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 18:00:00",summary:"Cento anni di Goliarda Sapienza. Conversazione con Maria Rizzarelli – Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇮🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 18:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 19:00:00",summary:"Exploring the East: Marco Polo’s Journey Through Cathay – Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja",timest:"6:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 18:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"Wiki Loves 2024 Awards Ceremony – Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM) – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"6:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 19:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",summary:"Book Signing: 'The Field' by Ricky Caruana – Agenda Bookshop – Agenda Bookshop Stand 41 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"7:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 19:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 20:30:00",summary:"Meet the author: Anna-Elisabeth Mayer Reads from Her Novel 'Kreidezeit' (2023) – GMC / Dept. of German, UM – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇩🇪",timest:"7:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-09 20:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-09 21:00:00",summary:"Cracking the Case: An Evening with Anthony Horowitz – NBC – It-Teatru 🇬🇧",timest:"8:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"Tree of Values – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"Once Upon a Time… – Malta Libraries – Malta Libraries Stand 28 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"The Pleasure of Reading: Reading Sessions – National Literacy Agency (NLA) – NLA Stand 9 🇲🇹/🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 09:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 20:00:00",summary:"Quiz & Word Match – German-Maltese Circle / Dept. of German, UM – GMC / Dept. of German, UM Stand 23 🇬🇧",timest:"9:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 09:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 10:30:00",summary:"Artivisti: Stories of Youths in Literature – Arts Council Malta (ACM) & Aġenzija Żgħażagħ – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"9:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 11:00:00",summary:"Reading with Lucienne: Interactive Session – Pandora Books – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 10:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 12:00:00",summary:"Meet the Author: Ursola Borg – Delicon Books – Delicon Books Stand 26 🇲🇹",timest:"10:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 10:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 11:30:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"10:30 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 11:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 12:00:00",summary:"Iltaqgħu mal-karattri kkuluriti ta' Perlina TV!: Filmati għal Tfal bejn 0–9 snin – Perlina TV – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"11:00 AM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 12:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 13:00:00",summary:"Inclusive Storytelling Session – Inspire Malta – Il-Kamra Sensorja 🇬🇧",timest:"12:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 12:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 13:30:00",summary:"Beyond the Game: Sports Writing in Malta – NBC & Lab DFG – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇬🇧",timest:"12:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 13:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 13:30:00",summary:"Mini Art Workshops by Veronica Veen – Inanna Publishers – CANCELLED",timest:"1:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 13:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 15:00:00",summary:"H.E. President Myriam Spiteri Debono signs 'Tisjir mill-Qalb' – Agenda Bookshop – Agenda Bookshop Stand 41 🇲🇹",timest:"1:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 14:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 15:00:00",summary:"Launch of 'Leħen il-Malti' – Għadd 43 – Għaqda tal-Malti – Università – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 14:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 15:00:00",summary:"From Passion to Profession: MEIA’s Introduction to the Literature Sectoral Goals – MEIA – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇬🇧",timest:"2:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 15:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 16:30:00",summary:"Maltese Fiction: Where to Next? – NBC – Is-Sala tal-Kittieba 🇲🇹",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 15:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 16:30:00",summary:"The Status of the Artist: Exploratory Workshop – Arts Council Malta (ACM) – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇲🇹",timest:"3:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 16:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 17:00:00",summary:"Meet the Author: Lorraine Galea – Pandora Books – Pandora Books Stand 39 🇲🇹",timest:"4:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 16:30:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 17:00:00",summary:"Interview with Daniel Massa – Kotba Calleja – Ir-Rokna tal-Ktieb 🇲🇹",timest:"4:30 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 19:00:00",summary:"Film screening & Networking Event: Prof. Daniel Massa, Recipient of the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award – NBC – It-Teatru 🇲🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"},{startDate:"2024-11-10 17:00:00",endDate:"2024-11-10 18:00:00",summary:"L’editoria indipendente in Italia oggi – Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Is-Sala tal-Qarrejja 🇮🇹",timest:"5:00 PM"}