The National Book Council is pleased to announce that the Malta Book Fund 2023 adjudication board has agreed on the winning submissions for this yearโ€™s Fund. 26 projects will be receiving funding for publication or translation through the Malta Book Fund.

The various strands of the Malta Book Fund are aimed at supporting culturally significant book projects that require funding due to their lack of commercial viability. The winning projects have been chosen according to a set of establishedย criteria, including the cultural and educational value of the project, and its the engagement with the publishing market and target audience.

The Malta Book Fund 2023 Adjudication Board was comprised of Mr Keith Borg, Dr George Cassar, Ms Sephora Francalanza, and Dr Karsten Xuereb who independently assessed each submission for completeness, costing, feasibility and cultural merit. Applications are considered to receive either full or partial funding.

The adjudicators noted that as a rule, the eligible applications were supported by the documents requested in the regulations and the applicants went into rigorous detail. However, they pointed out that those applications that had some missing documents suffered in the marks. They also said that there were valid applications, but the absence of some key documents meant low marks. What stood out the most were the missing documents in terms of the distribution plan, distribution and promotion in the translation projects, and in some others the lack of a letter of interest from a publisher. The adjudicators also stressed the importance of the tangibility of the submitted documents.

By the application period deadline on 5 June, the 2023 Malta Book Fund received a total of 72 eligible submissions across all strands of the Fund. The budget for the 2023 Malta Book Fund was โ‚ฌ120,000, with โ‚ฌ50,000 allocated to Publishing Grants for New Books, โ‚ฌ10,000 for Publishing Grants for New Editions of Out-of-Print Works, โ‚ฌ55,000 for Translation Grants and โ‚ฌ5,000 for Book Translation Pitch Grants.

All grants awarded may support up to 100% of the proposed project up to a maximum of โ‚ฌ5,000 for all grants except the Book Translation Pitch Grants, which may support up to a maximum of โ‚ฌ500 per proposal. To ensure that the Malta Book Fund is able to support as many worthy projects as possible and utilised fully, the National Book Council reserves the right to repurpose grants left unused from one category to the other.

Applicants which fail to receive funds in a particular year are not barred from applying again during the next call for applications with the same project or a different one.

The NBC will be contacting the winning applicants for the signing of a beneficiaryโ€™s contract allowing for an 18-month period from the date of signing to publish the book.

The list of the projects funded, alongside the beneficiary and the amount granted, can be viewed below:

Publishing Grants for New Books*

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat (โ‚ฌ)
Funds allocated (โ‚ฌ)
Elaine GermaniKtieb tal-etikett u l-manjieri tajbaFondazzjoni Sagฤงtar5,000
Simone SpiteriDรน Theatre celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024. Creating some of the most daring, innovative theatre that changed the local theatre landscape in the past two decades the company seeks to encapsulate the journey so far in a publicationSelf-published4,075
Anna Borg Cardonaโ€œMusic printing by the Brocktorff Lithographersโ€Midsea Books5,000
Romeo Roxman Gattโ€œQarnโ€ - a 50, 000 word memoir exploring my transition journey within the context of my home - Malta - and in my native language - Maltese - focusing on trans discourse and trans world-building.Aphroconfuso5,000
Anthony Gattโ€œFejn Tmur il-Qalbโ€ - Monsinjur Victor Grech. Riflessjonijiet dwar temi temi attwali minnu, eลผerฤ‹izzji spiritwali, kummenti dwaru minn residenti li rritornaw b'dinjitร  lura fis-soฤ‹jetร Caritas Malta 5,000
Stephen Tonnaโ€œFloriana - Celebrating 300 Years (1724-2024) of Existenceโ€Kite Group 5,000
Tyrone Grima"Din il-ฤ awhra ta' Pajjiลผna" huwa r-rumanz ฤกdid ta' Tyrone Grima. Ix-xogฤงol jaqa' taฤงt il-ฤกeneru ta' letteratura queer fejn il-protagonist tar-rumanz jgฤงix is-saga tal-membri tal-familja tiegฤงu f'kuntest storiku Malti mibdul b'elementi ta' fantaxjenzaHorizons5,000
John Inguanezโ€œMogฤงdijiet - ฤฆajti fil-ฤ urnaliลผmu, fir-Raฤงal li Darba Kien, u Malta li Baqgฤงet Tinbidelโ€, awtobijografija tal-awtur li tiftaฤง tieqa fuq il-ฤงajja mis-snin 60 โ€™il quddiem Horizons4,570
Luke Saydon"It-Teatru tal-Miskin". Il-pubblikazzjoni tal-iskript tat-"Teatru tal-Miskin", musical li ttella' fl-2022. Dramm dwar l-intolleranza ispirat mill-istorja u diffikultajiet tal-kumunitร  LGBQTI+ f'Malta.Saydon Studio4,690
Carmel Cassarโ€œHealth, Disease and Society in Early Modern Maltaโ€Kite Group 5,000
Nicola Ann Petroni"Mediterranean Modern Art: An Alternativeโ€ - an analysis of modern art from the Mediterranean region, by Giuseppe Schembri BonaciHorizons3,169.50 (parzjali/partial)

*Some funds which were not utilised in other categories were transferred to this category

Publishing Grants for New Editions of Out-of-Print Works

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat (โ‚ฌ)
Funds allocated (โ‚ฌ)
Joseph Borg - SKS Publishers"Minn Xtut in-Nil" - antoloฤกija ta' novelli ta' emigranti Maltin fl-Eฤกittu, maฤงruฤกa fl-1937.SKS Publishers5,000
L-Gฤงaqda tal-Malti - Klabb Kotba MaltinDan il-proฤกett beฤงsiebu jippubblika mill-ฤกdid ix-xogฤงol letterarju "Tejbilhom ฤฆajjithom" tal-awtur John F. MarksL-Gฤงaqda tal-Malti - Klabb Kotba Maltin5,000

Translation Grants Cat. 1: Translation of Maltese Books

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat (โ‚ฌ)
Funds allocated (โ‚ฌ)
Nadia MifsudVarjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet - traduzzjoni gฤงall-Ingliลผ minn Miriam CallejaPoetrywala5,000
Katryna StoraceTranslation in English of Loranne Vella's National Book Prize-winning novel RokitPraspar Press5,000
Gezim TafaTranslation into Albanian and publication of Immanuel Mifsud's book Fid-Dlam tal-Lejl ฤฆarisna as โ€œSleep Now, O Sleep Nowโ€Ombra GVG Publishing House4,828
Adrian GrimaTraduzzjoni gฤงat-Taljan ta' Klin u Kapriฤ‹ฤ‹i Oฤงra.Mesogea4,998
Mark CamilleriTranslation and publication of L-Antoloฤกija tal-Letteratura Mqarba in the English languageDar Camilleri5,000
Dejan MaticTranslating Papa Aฤงmed by Joe Pace into Serbian using English as a bridge languageTreฤ‡i Trg5,000
Leanne EllulTraduzzjoni gฤงat-Taljan tal-ktieb L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaฤงla minn Viginia MonteforteCapire Edizioni5,000
Hrant AleksanyanTranslation into Armenian and publication of Pierre J. Mejlak's book Having Said GoodbyeVogi-Nairi Arts Center5,000

Translation Grants Cat. 2: Translation into Maltese*

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat (โ‚ฌ)
Funds allocated (โ‚ฌ)
Claudine BorgTranslation into Maltese of Annie Ernaux's L'ร‰vรฉnement (2000)Faraxa Publishing5,000
Carmel Serracinoโ€œLuฤ‹janu: L-istorja Veraโ€ - traduzzjoni mill-Grieg ta' rumanz satiriku-fatnaxjentifiku tat-tieni seklu W.K.Klabb Kotba Maltin5,000
Anthony (Toni) AquilinaTraduzzjoni gฤงall-Malti taโ€™ La Peste ta' Albert CamusFaraxa Publishing5,000
Albert Marshallโ€œDisaโ€™ Opriโ€ - Kullana ta' disa' libretti operistiฤ‹i tradotti gฤงall-Malti mill-oriฤกinal: gฤงaลผla ta' disa' fost l-iktar opri popolari li qatt inkitbuHorizons3,169.50 (parzjali/partial)

*Some funds which were not utilised in other categories were transferred to this category

Book Translation Pitch Grants

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat (โ‚ฌ)
Funds allocated (โ‚ฌ)
Leanne EllulPartijiet mill-ฤกabra L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaฤงla jiฤกu tradotti gฤงall-Ingliลผ500

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