We are happy to announce that the National Book Council will be representing Malta and Maltese authors at the next edition of The London Book Fair (Olympia, 12-14 March 2019).

Keep updated on our progress by following out website and FB page.

This year, for the fifth time running, the NBC will set up a prominently located stand with a wide range of Melitensia featuring National Book Prize winners’ books alongside the latest prose and quality reference books by Maltese publishing houses. NBC representatives will hold meetings with a number of contacts, including Russia, Ukraine, Norway, Great Britain, the Balkan countries, the US and some Arab countries, in order to facilitate the selling of translation rights for a number of novels, including The Confectioner’s Daughter by Lou Drofenik, Rokit by Loranne Vella, and Erbgħin jum by Antoine Cassar.

Lou Drofenik, Loranne Vella and Antoine Cassar will be accompanying the NBC representatives and will participate in a seminar at the Literary Translation Centre: The Maltese Literary Scene: Exporting an emerging literature – author diaspora, transnational readership, bilingualism and translingual narratives, translation challenges. This will be moderated by Maltese London-based writer and translator Jen Calleja.

The Poetry Pavilion at the LBF is also used to promote Maltese literature: three shelves at the pavilion will be stocked with Maltese poetry books and copies of Under a Tangerine Sky, an anthology of some of the best Maltese poetry, published by the National Book Council and edited by Terence Portelli. Antoine Cassar will be reading his poetry in two separate sessions at the Poetry Pavilion.

Take note, come visit and spread the word!

For an appointment please send an email to either Simona Cassano at simona.cassano@ktieb.org.mt  or Matthew Borg at matthew.borg@ktieb.org.mt

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