The National Book Council would like to inform the public of a presentation it has set up in collaboration with the Department of Spanish (University of Malta) and the Spanish Embassy in Malta, together with SKS, titled ‘Cervantes and Don Quixote in Literature and Culture’. The presentation, which is one of the salient features of this year’s Malta Book Festival, is meant to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the writer’s death (1616) and will feature a number of speakers, chief among whom Professor John Ardila, an expert on Cervantes and his importance in contemporary literature.

As a special feature for the event, Emmanuel Abela,  a popular ‘għannej’ from Żejtun known among  folk singing circles as Il-fenka, accompanied by popular guitarists, will relate in song parts of DUN KIXOTT MILL-MANĊA (SKS), a Maltese translation in poetic form of the work of Cervantes by Pawlu Montebello. The event will also feature the book launch of Żwieġ Qarrieqi (The Deceitful Marriage), one of Cervantes’ ‘exemplary novels,’ translated into Maltese by Fiona Sciberras. The Embassy of Spain has supported the publication of this short novel on the occasion of this anniversary.

H.E. the Spanish Ambassador in Malta, José Pons, will be present at the conference which will be held at Sir Temi Zammit Hall (MCC, Valletta) on Sunday 13th November at 10 am.
For more info about the Festival five-day cultural programme of events:



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