Campus Book Festival 2018

Event details

  • Wednesday | March 21, 2018
  • 9:00 am

The Festival will take place at the University quadrangle on 21-22-23 March and will be open on 21 and 22 March from 9am till 4pm and from 9am till late on Friday 23 March. The programme is packed with activities, featuring book launches and book presentations, interviews and talks with authors, artists and academics, all aimed at addressing issues that should be of great interest to university students and members of the public with a passion for literature and books.

The Book Festival on Campus, which is set up by the National Book Council in collaboration with Gฤงaqda tal-Malti โ€“ Universitร , is open to students, academics and members of the public. For more information and updates follow our FB page and our website ( You can download the programme in pdf format here and the mobile version here.