Animated by Matthew Stroud and illustrated by Emma Galea Naudi, this year’s vibrant Festival artwork features a number of Easter eggs referencing classic works of children’s literature. Much like the protagonists of these stories grow to overcome their isolation, the poster is built around the idea of overcoming the one we’ve experienced over the past two years, propped up by a good book as the greatest source of inspiration.

Watch the animation and get inspired to visit the Malta Book Festival this November.

Featuring two events and a book-signing session with world-renowned Scottish writer Irvine Welsh, the 2021 edition of the Festival will be making use of an expanded exhibition space for publishers, booksellers and NGOs, allowing for a more comfortable book browsing and purchasing experience at the MFCC (as well as hassle-free parking). Separate activity areas will host numerous in person and online book presentations and discussions for children of all ages, with the aim of promoting books and reading with all generations, and provide an opportunity to familiarise oneself with the best books on offer from local publishers.

The full programme of events for the 2021 Malta Book Festival (3-7 November) will be published in the coming weeks. For the latest updates, please follow the NBC website, and the NBC Facebook page and Malta Book Festival 2021 Facebook event page.

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