For the benefit of the public, the National Book Council is announcing some of the most important dates in its calendar of cultural events for the year 2018. As usual, a full programme of events has been planned, including both large-scale and smaller-scale events such as book festivals, book donations, participation in book fairs abroad and the start of a good number of new projects.

Between 7 and 9 March 2018 the National Book Council and Gฤงaqda tal-Malti โ€“ Universitร  will be organising the fifth edition of the Campus Book Festival at the University of Malta. As usual, the participants will be Maltese publishers and distributors, who will be selling their latest books and contributing to a programme of events aimed at students and adults, including music, films, debates, and readings. Keep these dates free and join us on campus for three days of culture and fun.

Our biggest event of the year will, as usual, take place between the first two weeks of November. On the 7 November 2018, the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta will open its doors to host the Malta Book Festival, the biggest book event of the year. The festival will close on 11 November.

In addition, we will be participating in books fairs abroad, most importantly the London Book Fair, which will be running from 9-12 April 2018. Other events such as smaller-scale festivals and book-donations will be taking place in the coming months and members of the public will be informed in due course.

Keep these dates in mind and follow our FB page or website for more updates on these events and more!

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