The National Book Council is pleased to announce that the adjudication board of the Malta Book Fund 2020 has decided and agreed on the winning submissions for this yearโ€™s revamped edition of the Fund.

The winning projects have been chosen according to a set of pre-determinedย criteria, chief among which are the cultural value of the proposed publication and the financing needs due to the specialised and non-commercial nature of the project. In other words, the Fund aims to support culturally significant book projects that require funding if they are to be published.

Due to the high number of quality submissions in this edition of the Malta Book Fund, the judges also took a close look into the costing of each project and, after an analysis of the budget attached to the submitted application, they allocated funds in a way that would allow the publication of each fully- or partly-funded project.

The submissions deadline was on 30 June, and the three adjudicators worked independently on the same sets of applications till 20 July, when their first evaluative reactions were exchanged. On 3 August the three independent marking sheets were consolidated into one, and on 6 August the final report and final list of beneficiaries were delivered to the NBC.

The Malta Book Fund 2020 Adjudication Board comprised of Ms Maria Giuliana Fenech, Prof. Joseph Eynaud and Mr Andrei Vella Laurenti.

It is important to note that, in view of the fact that each strand was capped and that some proposals fared better than others in satisfying the regulations and guidelines, some projects were partially funded, ie. given less than the complete grant requested by the applicant. Considering that these projects still had considerate cultural value, the board of adjudicators decided to go for partial funding in the hope that it will still aid the publication of the book.

It is important to note that failure to qualify for this Malta Book Fund edition does not bar the applicant from applying again during the next call for applications with the same project or a different one.

Following the selection process and the publication of the results, the NBC will be contacting the winning applicants for the signing of a beneficiaryโ€™s contract, transfer of funds, and setting of time-frames and deadlines.

Following are all the projects which got funded according to the Fund strand, alongside the beneficiary and the amount granted.

Publishing Grants

Titlu tal-Proฤกett // Project TitleApplikant // ApplicantGฤงotja (Ewro) // Grant (Euro)
Art Nouveau in Malta: Architecture in Malta during the InterWar Years 1920/30sConrad Thake5000
Scratches and God, and Some Lies - a study of Josef Kalleya's unpublished sketches by Giuseppe Schembri BonaciNicola Ann Petroni4990
Researched monograph Instrument Building and Musical Culture in Seventeenth-Century MaltaAnna Borg Cardona5000
The "Twin Fat Ladies" of Malta: Context and Symbolism of an Archaeological SensationVeronica Veen5000
Hans Stumme: Il-ฤงrejjef miฤกbura u testi oฤงraJoseph Mizzi (Klabb Kotba Maltin)5000
Pubblikazzjoni bil-kontribut ta' ฤงames awturiSandro Debono2520
The Vusual Culture of Death in Malta in a Time of Plague: 1675-1814Christian Attard5000
Tattooing in Malta from the 18th to the 20th century. The presentation of research findings on the tattoo practice culture of the MalteseGeorgina Portelli5000
Studji Estetiฤ‹i-Letterarji: ฤ abra ta' Studji dwar l-estetika u l-letteratura MaltijaJosette Attard2500
Varjazzjoni tas-Skiet : ฤกabra ta' poezijiNadia Mifsud5000
Il-pubblikazzjoni taโ€™ tliet drammi rebbieฤงa taโ€™ Vincent Vella // The publishing of three award-winning plays by Vincent VellaDavid Bezzina (Horizons)2450
Editjar tar-rumanz Frammenti ta' Tyrone Grima // The editing of Tyrone Grimaโ€™s novel FrammentiChris Gruppetta (Merlin Publishers)2540
Total: 50,000


Translation Grants

Category 1 – Translation of Maltese Books

Titlu tal-Proฤกett // Project TitleApplikant // ApplicantGฤงotja (Ewro) // Grant (Euro)
Il-ฤกabra taโ€™ poeลผiji Framed taโ€™ Maria Grech Ganado fl-Armen // Maria Ganadoโ€™s Framed: a collection of poems by Maria Ganado. Planned translation in Armenian.Hrant Aleksanyan (Vogi-Nairi Arts Centre)5000
It-traduzzjoni taโ€™ Castillo taโ€™ Clare Azzopardi fil-Gฤงarbi // Translation of the novel Castillo by Maltese author Clare Azzopardi in ArabicYehia Fekry (El Maraya for Cultural Production)5000
It-traduzzjoni mill-Malti gฤงat-Taljan taโ€™ Castillo taโ€™ Clare Azzopardi. Jinkludi wkoll il-qari tal-provi u l-editjar // Translation from Maltese to Italian and proofreading/editing of Castillo (Clare Azzopardi, Merlin, 2018)Virginia Monteforte5000
It-traduzzjoni gฤงall-Ingliลผ tal-ktieb Il-Kulur tal-Lellux taโ€™ Rita Saliba. Titlu tat-traduzzjoni: "The Crown Daisy Patchโ€ // Translation into English of the Maltese book Il-Kulur tal-Lellux by Rita Saliba. Title: "The Crown Daisy Patch"Audrey Cassar (BDL Publishers)2950
Barabbas, the Author and the Prostitute (traduzzjoni taโ€™/translation of: โ€œIl-Ktieb ta' Barabbaโ€)Charles Casha4980
"The Wizard's Wonder" tells the story of a wealthy family during the Roman times in Malta. One of the main protagonist is St. Paul.Luisa Castorina3603
It-traduzzjoni taโ€™ Madwar Sagฤงtejn u Nofs โ€˜il Bogฤงod mill-ฤ enna taโ€™ Immanuel Mifsud fis-Serb bl-Ingliลผ bฤงala lingwa medjatriฤ‹i // Translating book of poems Around Two and a Half Hours Away from Heaven by Immanuel Mifsud into Serbian using English language as a bridge languageDejan Matic (Treci Trg)5000
Everyone But Faiza: traduzzjoni taโ€™/translation of "Kulฤงadd Barra Fajลผa"John Portelli3120
It-traduzzjoni fil-Griek u l-pubblikazzjoni taโ€™ Bejn Baฤงar u Baฤงar // The translation in Greek and publication of Bejn Baฤงar u Baฤงar by Elizabeth Grech (Merlin Publishers)Nestoras Poulakos (Vakxikon Publications)5000
Total: 39,653


Category 2 – Translation into Maltese

Titlu tal-Proฤกett // Project TitleApplikant // โ€จApplicantGฤงotja (Ewro) // โ€จGrant (Euro)
It-traduzzjoni gฤงall-Malti taโ€™ Concerto a' la memoired'un ange (2010) u Voyage au Pays des Arbres (1978 // Translation into Maltese of Concerto a' la memoired'un ange (2010) and Voyage au Pays des Arbres (1978)Claudine Borg2710
It-traduzzjini gฤงall-Malti taโ€™/Translation into Maltese of La Forma dell'Acqua by Andrea CamilleriAntoinette Borg4928
Traduzzjoni mill-Ingliลผ tad-dramm Othello ta' William Shakespeare // Translation from English of Othello by William ShakespeareAlfred Palma630
Traduzzjoni tal-ktieb Esercizi di Servizia e Seduzione ta' Irene Chias // Translation of the book Esercizi di Servizia e Seduzione by Irene ChiasDavid Bezzina (Horizons)4000
Traduzzjoni taโ€™ La Chute taโ€™ Albert Camus // Translation of the book La Chute by Albert CamusToni Aquilina2732
Total: 15,000



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