The National Book Council is pleased to announce that the Malta Book Fund 2022 adjudication board has agreed on the winning submissions for this yearโ€™s Fund. 29 projects will be receiving funding for publication or translation through the Malta Book Fund.ย 

The various strands of the Malta Book Fund are aimed at supporting culturally significant book projects that require funding despite their lack of commercial viability. The winning projects have been chosen according to a set of established criteria, including the cultural and educational value of the project, and its the engagement with the publishing market and target audience.ย 

The Malta Book Fund 2022 Adjudication Board was comprised of Simone Inguanez, Dr Mario Aquilina, Dr Mario Thomas Vassallo and Katryna Storace who independently assessed each submission for completeness, costing, feasibility and cultural merit. Applications are considered to receive either full or partial funding.ย 

The adjudicators noted that in general the quality of the submitted applications was high, which is translated in the fact that many submissions got more than the minimum 60 marks required to be eligible for funding. They also pointed out that applications which were not backed by an excerpt of the proposed project had less chance of being awarded any grant, while others, especially projects submitted for the translation grants, whose application included a thorough explanation of the target market and distribution fared better.

By the application period deadline on 30 June, the 2022 Malta Book Fund received a total of 74 eligible submissions across all strands of the Fund. The budget for the 2022 Malta Book Fund was โ‚ฌ120,000, with โ‚ฌ50,000 allocated to Publishing Grants for New Books, โ‚ฌ10,000 for Publishing Grants for New Editions of Out-of-Print Works, โ‚ฌ55,000 for Translation Grants and โ‚ฌ5,000 for Book Translation Pitch Grants.ย 

All grants awarded may support up to 100% of the proposed project up to a maximum of โ‚ฌ5,000 for all grants except the Book Translation Pitch Grants, which may support up to a maximum of โ‚ฌ500 per proposal. To ensure that the Malta Book Fund is able to support as many worthy projects as possible and utilised fully, the National Book Council reserves the right to repurpose grants left unused from one category to the other.

Applicants which fail to receive funds in a particular year are not barred from applying again during the next call for applications with the same project or a different one.

The NBC will be contacting the winning applicants for the signing of a beneficiaryโ€™s contract allowing for an 18-month period from the date of signing to publish the book.

The list of the projects funded, alongside the beneficiary and the amount granted, can be viewed below:

Publishing Grants for New Books

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat
Funds allocated
Immanuel MifsudMafkar ta' Poeลผiji lil Daphne Caruana Galizia: ฤกabra ta' xogฤงlijiet li jagฤงtu ฤกieh lil din il-ฤกurnalista assassinata fl-2017PEN Malta2454
Antoinette BorgPubblikazzjoni ta' ktieb divertenti dwar l-istorja tal-ilsien MaltiMerlin Publishers4940
Jurgen R. GattA Companion to Joseph Demnarco's De Chocolata (1760).Kite Group5000
Robert AttardGefallen, the War Letters of Frรคulein M : Tobruk, the Medirerranean, Russia, Normandy & the Defence of the ReichAwtoppubblikat
Mark CamilleriResearch on Juan Bautista Azopardo and publication of his biographyDar Camilleri5000
David BezzinaPassport to Vice by Matthew VellaHorizons4850
Paul P. BorgRuลผar Briffa - U Jiena: ktieb ฤกdid ta' riฤ‹erka dwar is-sors tan-niket fil-ฤงajja u l-poeลผija tal-poeta - ir-relazzjoni tal-awtur mieghuAwtoppubblikat
Kevin AquilinaPrinciples of Maltese Public Law - An ExegesisMidsea5000
Anthony Gatt, Mark Sagona, Abner CassarElecticism and the Baroque Revival in Malta - Abramo Gatt (1863-1944): Master of the Decorative ArtsMidsea Books5000
Stephen GattA Journey in Balzan: An Immersive and Illustrated Guide of the Balzan village through Its Local Social MemoryAwtoppubblikat
Carmel SciclunaMin jogฤงdos bla maskra. ฤ abra ta' madwar 60 poeลผija, b'ฤงames taqsimietHorizons1400
Nicholas BugejaSexuality and LegacyMidsea Books5000
Noel ButtigiegBread and Bakers in Eighteenth Century MaltaMidsea4920
Gabriel Grioli*Manwal gฤงall-Qari tal-Provi: manwal li jittratta b'reqqa s-sengฤงa tal-qarrej tal-provi, u li fih nispeฤ‹jalizza fuq il-qari tal-provi tal-lingwa MaltjaBDL1053

*Gabriel Grioli was given the partial fund of 1,053 Euros, which were brought forward by Mark Vella’s application (refer to Translation Grants Cat. 2) after the latter declined the fund.

Publishing Grants for New Editions of Out-of-Print Works

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat
Funds allocated
Joseph BorgL-IblehSKS Publishers5,000
Akkademja tal-MaltiSensiela Letteratura Klassika Maltija: Il-Fidwa tal-Bdiewa ta' Ninu CremonaMidsea Books5,000

Translation Grants Cat. 1: Translation of Maltese Books

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat
Funds allocated
Dejan Matiฤ‡Translation into Serbian of Kissirtu Kullimkien by Lara Calleja using an English bridge translationTreฤ‡i Trg4,388
Norbert BugejaTranslation into Arabic of seventy selected poems from Norbert Bugeja's collections Nartiฤ‹i and Insa li Mhijiex Hawn using a French bridge translationNirvana Editions3,300
Mohamed El BaalyTranslation and publication of Bejn Baฤงar u Baฤงar by Elizabeth Grech into ArabicSefsafa Culture & Publishing5,000
Hrant AleksanyanTranslation and publication of Vespers by Trevor Zahra into ArmenianVogi-Nairi Arts Center5,000
Gezim TafaTranslation and publication of The Swans at St. Ives And Other Stories by Charles Casha into AlbanianOmbra GVG Publishing House4,160
Hemant Dayanand DivateTranslation of Bejn Baฤงar u Baฤงar by Elizabeth Grech into EnglishPaperwall Publishing5,000
Mark Anthony Sammut SassiTraduzzjoni mill-Malti gฤงall-Gฤงarbi tar-rumanz ta' Frans Sammut Paceville maฤงruฤก f'Malta fl-1991The Pertinent Press3,000
Joanne MicallefIn Tune with City Life: Translation into English of Rena Balzan's Fiลผ-ลปifna ta' l-IblietFaraxa Publishing5,000

Translation Grants Cat. 2: Translation into Maltese

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat
Funds allocated
Warren BartoloIl-Frammenti ta' Saffo. Dan il-proฤกett jiffoka fuq it-traduzzjoni tal-poeลผija ta' Saffo mill-Grieg Antik gฤงall-Malti, b'introduzzjoni u kummentarjuEde Books5,000
Antoinette BorgTranslation of Il Cane di Terracotta by Andrea Camilleri into MalteseMerlin Publishers5,000
Joanne MicallefTranslation of Notes on the Flesh / Noti fuq id-Demm u l-Laฤงam by Shahd Alshammari into MalteseFaraxa Publishing3685
Anthony AquilinaTraduzzjoni ta' La Nuit de Feu / โ€œLejl in-Nar" ta' ร‰ric-Emmanuel Schmitt into MalteseFaraxa Publishing5,000
Mark Vella*It-traduzzjoni ta' The Confectioner's Daughter ta' Lou Drofenik mill-Ingliลผ gฤงall-MaltiHorizons1053

*Mark Vella declined the fund. Money was brought forward to partially fund Gabriel Grioli’s application (refer to Publishing Grants for New Books).

Book Translation Pitch Grants

It-titlu tal-proฤกett
Project title
Fond allokat
Funds allocated
Antoinette BorgTraduzzjoni ta' silta minn Amina ta' Antoinette Borg gฤงall-Ingliลผ500

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