The National Book Council is launching the first call for applications for the NBC Film Adaptation Fund, intended to further promote Maltese literary works by supporting the production of a feature-film adaptation of a National Book Prize winning or shortlisted novel. The fund seeks to address all stages of development and production of one winning project with a maximum financial allocation of €200,000 awarded according to the decision of an independent evaluation panel.

The literary work being adapted must have been either a winner or a shortlisted title for the National Book Prize in the Category for Novels in Maltese or English, during any edition since the Prize’s inception in 1971. The resulting feature-length film will further raise the profile, domestically and internationally, of award-winning stories by Maltese authors.

Audiovisual production companies interested in applying must hold the rights to adapt the novel, produce and distribute the film, in the form of an option agreement, prior to submitting their application. Applications should also include a detailed project plan, a financial breakdown and letters of intent from the Director/s and Producer/s. The complete Regulations and Assessment Criteria have been collated in a Guidelines document containing all information for applicants. Interested applicants should make sure to read the Guidelines carefully and in their entirety, including all Annexes.

The beneficiary of the production grant, delivered over the course of three financial years, will be required to enter into a contractual agreement with the NBC by December 2019, and expected to deliver a final cut of the film to the NBC in 2021.

The NBC will have the right to screen the film on non-commercial terms at special events in Malta and abroad to promote the literature of Malta and the funding programme. Throughout the production period, the team must remain in touch with NBC administrators to ensure that the project is developing according to the proposal and in line with the Assessment Criteria and Regulations.

Interested applicants should send in four hard copies of the application and the other required documents to Michael Mercieca by 29 September 2019, either by post or in person, at this address: National Book Council, Central Public Library, Joseph Mangion Street, Floriana, FRN 1800.

Only completed applications will be accepted. The Guidelines for Applicants and the Application Form can be downloaded here.

For further information or clarifications contact Andrew Ricca at



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